Ed DeJesus (pronounced D Geezus) wrote his first novel in 1994 when there was no internet or Amazon, and the odds of finding an agent were worse than winning the lottery. With two kids to send to college, he had to focus on his career and write business plans for startups and investors. He went on to become VP of Engineering for MSL, CEO of JustZip.com, and President of Sightline Solar. Previously, he pioneered Digital Equipment Corp's usage and software development of Design Automation and knowledge-based (AI) tools. He served in the US Army Reserves and opened a record store with his wife when vinyl was hip. A Florida Gulf Coast Writers Association member, his latest novel, The Vulnerable, is an intricate Eco-thriller set in Massachusetts and Florida and will debut with Indies United Publishing House. His short stories that appeared in Voices from Lowell & Beyond sample his forthcoming memoir collection, Simpler Times in The Spindle City. Ed's education includes Computer Science at Boston University, Creative Writing at UMass Lowell, and Solar NABCEP from Quinsigamond College. He was born in Lowell, MA, raised his family in the suburbs, and retired in Fort Myers, FL, where he weathered several category-four hurricanes. When Ed’s not immersed in his writing or at the gym, he finds joy in reading, dancing, singing Karaoke, and traveling the world with his wife and children, who reside in New Hampshire and Sydney, Australia.