Our Fellowship
Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Lisa Orban, and in 2013 I sat down and started my first book, publishing two years later in October of 2015 as an Indie author. I have since written a total of four books, in three genres, and created four adult coloring books as well. All Indie published.
I will admit, when I began my adventure in publishing I had no idea what I was getting myself into nor realize the enormity of the learning curve when I sent my first book out into the world until the reality of the situation crashed down, and I began my crash course in all things publishing.
Even now, since opening Indies United in 2018, I continue to learn new things as the publishing world grows, changes and I adapt to the ever-changing landscape we navigate through. But, I couldn't do what I do without the fellowship of people I have gathered as we've grown. No one person can do it all alone, we all need our circle of supporters, helpers, advocates, and the people who cheer us on and, more importantly, stop us when we are about to make a mistake.
Indies United wouldn't be the publishing house we are without the people below. Thank you to every single one of you, I couldn't have done any of this without you.
Not only is Jennie an amazing editor, she is also a wonderful person. Jennie was with me from before the beginning, when I was still just an author with a crazy idea. She was my original sounding board and has become one of IUPH's biggest advocates since we opened our doors.
There would be no Indies United Publishing House without Jennie. She listened to my crazy idea of opening a new kind of publishing house and didn't laugh. Instead, she and I spent hours over the phone and through email hammering out the basic details of how I could get this idea off the ground.
Thank you Jennie for your support and encouragement over the years since the beginning. IUPH just wouldn't be the same without you.
Jayne came to Indies United in 2020 after hearing rumors about a new kind of publishing house that put authors first. Intrigued, she contact IUPH to see how she could join our team of vendors. As we worked together through her vetting process, we connected over the plights of authors and ills of the publishing world. By the time her page was added to our site, we had also gained a new ally and supporter. Ever ready to offer advice from her years working at other publishing houses, and generous in her encouragement, she has become a dear friend and a valued member of our team.
Jayne Southern
Editing & Proofreading

In 2021, in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic, I came to the realization that IUPH was growing so fast that I needed help. This was no longer a small operation for one person, and I needed a site manager to keep our website updated and in good working order at all times. Cory came to us through a recommendation of a mutual friend and he has been a godsend to IUPH. Cory has stepped up and offered his help and expertise in keeping the website up-to-date and beyond. IUPH could not operate as efficiently as it does without him.