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A Long Way Home by Myra Hargrave McIlvain | Narrative Fiction | Meredith plans to escape her abusive husband when she can make it look as if she died. On 9/11, she survives the fall of the North Tower and grabs her chance for a new life. Father Rich a medical doctor on her bus headed south, offers Meredith work at his community center on the Texas Rio Grande. But the warm welcome is tainted by her longing to reveal her true identity. Will she take the plunge and meet the challenges of her past?

Blowback by H. Max Hiller | Cadillac Holland Mysteries Book 1 | Detective Mystery | Every story needs a beginning. The story of Louisiana State Patrol Detective Cadillac Holland’s legend began with what should have been a simple fugitive case. It’s hard to find a man who doesn’t want to be found, and harder still when you have trouble telling the destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina from the bombed out streets of Baghdad you left behind in the ambush that nearly took your life. Detective Holland is building a reputation for leaving a trail of unintended consequences in his path, but he will always get his man.

Infinite Indies: Poetry Edition 2021 | A Multi-Author Anthology | To celebrate, the poets and authors of Indies United have joined together and created a free poetry collection for your reading enjoyment. So, curl up in your favorite chair and enjoy an evening of literary wine-tasting and savor a sampling of poetry from our publishing house. This perfect blend of poetic verse allows you to explore the diverse offerings available at Indies United Publishing House.

Open Heart, Open Heart by Lisa Orban | NonFiction Short Story | While some may argue that there may be peace in finding normality, Lisa Orban demonstrates how deviating from social obedience encourages us to define the world we live in and giving it meaning by discovering beauty and inspiration from the unconventional.

Set Up: Secrets and Lies in Zihuatanejo by Ana Manwaring | A JadeAnne Stone Mexico Adventure Book One | Crime Thriller | Amateur Sleuth | When JadeAnne Stone and her German shepherd, Pepper, are kidnapped off a lonely highway in Mexico en route to locate a missing banker’s wife, she unwittingly enters a world of high-stakes oil politics, money laundering, and El Narco’s grab for power. JadeAnne finds the wife and realizes she’s been set up. To stay alive she must unravel the Aguirre family’s secrets. Who will she trust as loyalties shift and greed rules?

Star Wars: The New Trilogy by Bharat Krishnan | SciFi Fan Fiction | IUPH Author Bharat Krishnan is also a mega-fan of Star Wars. Growing up reading the books and comics set during the Old Republic, he had a clear vision of how he would've written the Sequel Trilogy and has brought that to life here. Bharat is a firm believer that writing fan fiction helps one become a better author.

The Redemption by Ana Manwaring | A Free Yuletide Story |In the tiny clearing surrounding a crude cottage shadows grew long. Wolves, restless with hunger, howled from within the forest, perhaps calling for mistress moon to hasten her journey up the darkening horizon to light the earth. The crystal air was sharp with fir and cedar, but bitter as the evening seeped down the mountains and filled the valley with blackness. The four Colombe sisters flocked around the hearth where bluish flames tasted the smoking coal.

The Santa by Bob Freeman | A Free Christmas Story | Science Fiction | It was the holidays, and everyone was celebrating the change of seasons on Earth and waiting for The Santa. This is something Ponos barely understood. Here he was on a tiny rock, a world with no weather and millions of kilometers from the large, wet, seasonal Core planet, yet everyone was going crazy for a winter holiday. Try as he might, he couldn't quite make the connection but was going to give it his best shot.