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The Frank Vaughn Trilogy
Looking for Don

Author: D. Krauss

Series: Frank Vaughn Trilogy | Book Three

Genre: Narrative Fiction | Suspense

Number of Pages: 246

Word Count: 81,200

Library of Congress Control Number: 2021940248


Hardback: 978-1-64456-328-1

Paperback: 978-1-64456-329-8

Mobi: 978-1-64456-330-4

ePub: 978-1-64456-331-1

AudioBook: 978-1-64456-332-8

A surreal quest to find the annoyingly elusive Don
takes Butch to places better left alone.

What is Butch thinking? He joined the Air Force to escape New Jersey and now, look, one day out of basic training and he's tooling around the Pine Barrens in his Mom's car searching for his best friend, Don. It's like he never left. And he's still in big trouble: Pee Sea, the most notorious drug dealer in the state wants his head on a pike; his stepfather wants the car back and Butch gone; and his old girlfriend, April, wants to personally remove any body parts Pee Sea doesn't. If Butch could just find Don, then they could spend one last crazy night running the shore and the lakes and the mysterious, otherworldly swamplands before Butch has to report in. If he could just find him…


Looking for Don is a Bruce Springsteen album, a wild ride through 1970's south Jersey as Butch runs into bike gangs, Pineys, the Jersey Devil… and even an old ghost from his childhood.


Looking for Don is the third novel of the Frank Vaughn trilogy.

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