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The Cryman

Author: D. Krauss

Genre: YA Horror

Number of Pages: 364

Word Count: 71,000

Library of Congress Control Number: 2023943096



Hardback: 978-1-64456-633-6


Mobi: 978-1-64456-635-0


It's 1969. Man is on the moon. America is in Vietnam.

And the Cryman stirs in the Alabama swamps, sniffs the air, and stalks the scent of troubled souls.


Thirteen-year-old Aaron is the first to see the Cryman, and the first to suffer its wrath. He must choose between the Thorny Path of lust and vengeance, or the Dark Path of eternal loneliness. Either way, his life is forfeit, and he is desperate to save his beloved sister, who is drifting away from him with each passing hour, his annoying little brother, his distant and indifferent mother, even his violent and unpredictable dad. The increasing spiral of violence and horror threatens to engulf them all, as well as Aaron's friends, neighbors, and his brand-new girlfriend.


No one gets out of this unscathed. Only a few get out alive.

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