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The Baker's Patio

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Author: Ron Kinscherf

Series: The Bakers' Patio | Volume VII

Genre: Children's Storybook

Page Count: 26

Word Count: 1000

Library of Congress Control Number: 2023945591



Paperback: 978-1-64456-653-4

Mobi: 978-1-64456-654-1

ePub: 978-1-64456-655-8

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It’s a sticky situation at the Bakers’ Patio


As autumn approaches, the ants under the Bakers’ Patio prepare the colony for winter and the colder temperatures. On top of the patio, danger lurks in the form of yummies left behind by careless ‘trick or treaters’. Despite warnings from the Queen, the temptation is just too much for Prince Antrew and he suffers the consequences.

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